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  • Where are you based?
    I have a gorgeous little studio in central St Ives.
  • How much is each treatment?
    £350 for digital hairstroke brows, including 6-12 week top up
  • Do you do microblading?
    In short, no. Here's why... A microblade is a mini blade that is dragged through the skin to create a hairstroke, and a pigment is rubbed in. Whilst this creates a beautiful soft brow, this treatment is not available for everyone. Not to mention the skin is being cut open, which if done multiple times creates scarring and can lead to raised skin forming. The skin is not designed to be cut like this multiple times and heal cleanly... So why digital brows? These are created with a tattoo machine and create the same hairlike strokes that microblading does. But instead of cutting the skin to implant the pigment, it is inserted cleanly with a fine needle. This technique yields longer lasting results that aren't so harsh on the skin.
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